WINONA, Minn. – Cotter Schools has bought two of Winona State University’s West Campus buildings for $5 million to expand its growing presence at the former College of St Teresa site. The sale includes:

> Tau conference center, which doubles a a dorm, for $3.2 million.

>Maria dorm, a nondescript structure, for $1.8 million.

Cotter decided not to buy St. Teresa’s architecturally significant Lourdes Hall, for which Winona State is still looking for a buyer. About Tau and Maria, Cotter’s president, Mary Eileen Fitch, said they represent an opportunity for Cotter’s future. The goal, she said, is for all Cotter students eventually to be on one campus. Cotter is an amalgam of former Catholic parish schools and the separate Cotter upper-grade schools. Cotter already has the dominant presence at the old St. Teresa campus.

< Tau Center

Maria Hall >

Fitch. Chief of Cotter Schools. Passed up WSU’s for-sale sign on mammoth Lourdes Hall.