ROCHESTER Minn. – A hospital patient who threatened to use a police gun to kill himself almost had the change, according to documents presented in court. The incident was at St. Marys Hospital. Here’s what the documents alle, starting about 4:14 p.m.:

> Jake Jonsgaard, 21, a patient, was being administered medication in an examination room.

> In the process, Jonsgaard regaled a hospital attendant, apparently in morbid fantasy, about killing people and, if police interfered, taking one of their guns and shooting himself.

> Jansgaaard said he needed to pee, so the attendant escorted him to a lavatory and waited outside.

> The attendant heard glass shattering, opened the door and saw glass all over.

> The attendant  attempted to grab Jonsgaard by a wrist to take him  back ro the examination room.

> Security guards responded, and saw Jonsgaard slap the attendant.

> Police arrived.

> Jansgaard resisted and at one point had a hand on an officer’s holstered firearm.

> The officer managed  to keep the gun in his holster, as others hand-cuffed Jonsgaard.

The charges:  Felony attempted disarming of a peace officer, obstructing the legal process, \and fifth-degree assault.