WINONA, Minn. – A new shingle is hanging at the Island City craft-brewery, which had quickly established itself as a fixture at the Levee. Now with new owners, it’s transitioned into Two Fathoms Brewing. Graham Kaczmarek and Brook Merkwan of Fountain City purchased Island City Brewing in December and have overhauled the business without ever closing its doors. Core changes are in process. “It’ll be our flavor, our thing,” said Merkwap. Kaczmarek has brewing experience  in Colorado and in Rochester and La Crosse. He also worked at Island City. Two Fathoms address: 65 East Front Street.

What’s in a name? In olden river days, steamboats needed two fathoms clearance to avoid getting hung up. A fathom was the distance across a boatman’s outstretched arms, fingertip to fingertip, about six feet. Two fathoms was safe.