Mifflin Street excesses. An off-campus rite of spring in Madison swelled out of control. But only a few injuries amid the socializing, mayhem and destruction. Images: Madison police

What can 150 police do with 500 revelers

MADISON, Wis.  –- Police made 80 arrests, most for liquor excesses, at the annual Mifflin Street block party. Revelers overturned one car and seriously damaged another. Crowd estimates ranged from 400 to 500. Two city blocks we cordoned off. Emergency medical teams responded to 14 calls and called ambulances for 11 of them.  One police officer was injured. She was struck by a vehicle at a traffic post. Although not sanctioned by the city for several years, the annual spring bash keeps going. Some 150 officers worked this year’s event. There were no signs of any political of social issues — mostly just boisterous milling around. By 5:40 in the afternoon the crowd, exhausted and mostly drunk, petered out, and police reopened Mifflin Street.

Mifflin Street reputation

The annal block party dates to 1969 as a street protest against the Vietnam war. It’s been a fixture since — midway between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona on he central Madison isthmus. It’s always on the last Saturday of April and attended predominantly by UW-Madison students. It’s evolved become more into alcohol-heavy socializing before final exams. Typically it features local bands on house porches, balconies and backyard stages. The party has not had city sponsorship since 2012. Attempts by the university and the city to create competing events have been unsuccessful.

Crowd tumbled off. An upstairs patio deck collapsed from the weight of party-goers who had crammed bumping and thumping on weak timbers.