WASHINGTON – Congressman Jim Hagedorn, who represents southern Minnesota, fired his chief aide for running ahead of the office budget on printing and mailing. The newsletter Daily Caller reported the firing. Hagedorn confirmed the report but was fuzzy on what comprised the transgression. Legistorm, a company that tracks tax-funded allowances for congressional offices, said Hagedorn spent $270,000 in the first quarter of the year — almost 40% of his annual expense allowances. About half was on printing and mailing. No other member of the House spent more, according to Legistorm. Fired was Peter Su, who had been chief of staff since Hagedorn took office in 1019. After the Legistorm revelation, Hagedorn acknowledged that he had been aware of the issue for two months. He said he ordered independent audit and alerted both the House Administration Committee and the Houses Ethics committees. Said Hagedorn: “While these relatively routine duties were fully delegated to my former Chief of Staff and our finance officer, I acknowledge responsibility for the oversight of my office and will continue to make any necessary management improvements.”

Unanswered: Hagedorn didn’t explain why the so-called “spending spree.” Anything illegal? Srdid? Self-aggrandizing? Just poor judgment?

Unanswered: Why didn’t Hagedorn place Su on leave as soon as there were questions s0mething might be awry?

Unanswered: Bow promptly did Hagedorn alert the House ethics office to a possible problem? When did he request an outside audit?

Unanswered:Will Dan Feehan, a Democrat seeking to unseat Hagedorn, make this a continuing issue. Feehan lost to Hagedorn by fewer than 1,400 votes in 2018.

Hagedorn: A Republican representing southern Minnesota