WISCONSIN RAPIDS. Wis. – A rare bull elk was seen on Eighth Street in Wisconsin Rapids. Just ask police Lieutenant Scott Dewitt. He has the proof on his dashcam. Dewitt said he and a fellow officer

followed the elk through a couple of neighborhoods and channeled it back into a wooded area just outside the city limits. State wildlife expert Scott Roepke said the elk probably roamed 50 miles or so from the Black River Falls area, about 115 elk are at the end of their breeding season. During September and October, Roepke said, some young bulls leave Jackson County in search of other elk. He urged people to keep their distance from the large mammals. Bull elk are one of the largest mammals on the continent, a male weighing as much as 700 pounds.

Earlier: Caution to hunters: Don’t mistake elk for deer

Dashcam tracks elk. The bull elk had to cross the Chippewa River to get from Black River into Wisconsin Rapids. Swim? Take a bridge?