ST. PAUL, Minn. – Attorney General Keith Ellison said Postal Service cutbacks in Minnesota already have had deleterious effects. In a lawsuit against Trump-ordered postal cutbacks, to stop mail slowdowns, Ellison issued this list:

> Three mail-sorting machines have been decommissioned in Minneapolis with six more scheduled for decommission.

> Sorting capacity has been reduced by as many 200,000 pieces of mail per hour.

> Just days ahead of Minnesota’s August 11 primary election, some Minneapolis people had not yet received the absentee ballots they requested.

> Because the state’s largest mail-processing facilities are in Minneapolis and St. Paul, people of color, who comprise   40 percent of Minneapolis population and 49 percent of Saint Paul’s, are affected disparately.

> Disparate effects also fall on Minnesota’s 11 Native American tribal communities,

Earlier: Minnesota sues for postal support for election

Ellison: Goal to protect election